In case you got 404 pages instead of the portfolio item, please, go to Settings > Permalinks and click save.
How to hide search in tabs
You can add the following CSS code to hide the search in the mobile header on tabs: @media only screen and (max-width: 1100px){ #header-container:not(.small) #header .header-wrap > .row:last-child .columns.header-main-panel .header-col-right
WooCommerce Product Video Gallery plugin compatibility
Please go to Appearance > Theme Editor > inc > lib > woocommerce >woocommerce.php find lines 109 and 110: add_action( ‘woocommerce_before_single_product_summary’, array($this, ‘beforeSingleProductImage’), 15 ); add_action( ‘woocommerce_before_single_product_summary’, array($this, ‘afterSingleProductImage’), 25
How to make multilingual site
The theme is ready for translation, however, it does not have the multilingual feature. It can be done wth the help of the translation plugin, e.g: WPML Polylang The
How to translate the theme
The translation can be done with the Poedit program if you need to translate the theme-related parts. Please, find your en.pot file from the folder themes/dfd-ronneby/lang. Open it in Poedit,
Close mobile menu with the anchor by tap on title
In case you are using anchor menu and would like to close the menu by click on the menu item you may use the following JS code: <script type=”text/javascript”> (function($)
How to deactivate purchase code
In case you have missed deactivating the purchase code before moving site or WordPress/theme deleting it can be done in Ronneby sections. Please makes sure dfd-ronneby theme is active. Please
Ronneby core plugin installation issue
If you have updated your theme up to 3.0.x version and got the following error while installing the plugin: Downloading installation package from… Unpacking the package… Installing the plugin…
Codes instead of old ronneby modules on Ronneby3.0
Ronneby 3.x is more optimized so we have removed Ultimate addons plugin from theme files. In case you have used old modules from the ronneby1.0 tab and see the code
Close menu by click on menu item (header style 7)
Header style 7 menu is not supposed to be close by click on menu item so when you are using anchor menu it’s not always convenient for the users to