Created with Snap

Header syle 14 options

Stylish side header with menu button and primary navigation

Customizable transparent header style with hamburger menu icon, Primary Navigation menu and social icons appearing pop up on click.

Check the example here.

  • Header animation – switch it to Enable if you want to have the header animation on scroll (the main header will hide on scroll).
  • Header appear effect – choose the appear animation for the header.
Main content settings
  • Copyright message – enter the copyright message which will be visible in the bottom of the side header.
  • Login form – switch it to Enable in order to have the login form in the top panel.
  • Social icons – allows you to enable or disable the social icons in the top panel. The social icons can be set in Theme optionsSocial accounts Social networks section.
    • Header Social icons hover style – select the hover style for the social icons in header.
  • Search form in header – switch it to Enable to display search form in the header.
Header styling options

  • Header content alignment – allows you to choose the horizontal alignment for the header content. Left, right and center positions are available.
  • Header background color – select the background color for the header main section.
  • Header background opacity – set the opacity for the header background, where 0 – is transparent and 100 – opaque.
  • Active header text color – choose the text color for the opened (active) header.
  • Menu button color – set the color for the menu button.
  • Center align stunning header title from the bottom of the menu – set it to Enable to add extra space beneath the header and shift the Stunning header down for the header height.