Sticky mobile header

In order to have the sticky mobile header you can use following CSS code:

@media only screen and (max-width: 1100px) {#header-container:not(.small) {
position: fixed;
@media only screen and (max-width: 799px){#header-container:not(.small) {
position: fixed;
@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {#header-container:not(.small) {
position: fixed;
@media only screen and (max-width: 799px){#header-container.small {
display: block;
@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {#header-container.small {
display: block;

Add the code to Theme options General options Custom CSS/JS Custom CSS field.


Note! the solution is not suitable for “Side by side” and “One page scroll” Page templates. 

div#stuning-header .dfd-stuning-header-bg-container {background-image: url(;background-size: cover;background-position: center center;background-attachment: scroll;background-repeat: no-repeat;}#stuning-header {min-height: 550px;}#main-content .dfd-content-wrap {margin: 0px;} #main-content .dfd-content-wrap > article {padding: 0px;}@media only screen and (min-width: 1101px) {#layout.dfd-portfolio-loop > .row.full-width >,#layout.dfd-gallery-loop > .row.full-width > {padding: 0 0px;}#layout.dfd-portfolio-loop > .row.full-width > > #main-content > .dfd-content-wrap:first-child,#layout.dfd-gallery-loop > .row.full-width > > #main-content > .dfd-content-wrap:first-child {border-top: 0px solid transparent; border-bottom: 0px solid transparent;}#layout.dfd-portfolio-loop > .row.full-width #right-sidebar,#layout.dfd-gallery-loop > .row.full-width #right-sidebar {padding-top: 0px;padding-bottom: 0px;}#layout.dfd-portfolio-loop > .row.full-width > .sort-panel,#layout.dfd-gallery-loop > .row.full-width > .sort-panel {margin-left: -0px;margin-right: -0px;}}#layout .dfd-content-wrap.layout-side-image,#layout > .row.full-width .dfd-content-wrap.layout-side-image {margin-left: 0;margin-right: 0;}