Masonry layout
Classic layout
Posts left image
Posts right image
Smart grid
Fullwith layout
Masonry layout (any columns or sidebars)
Grid layout (any columns or sidebars)
Standart layout (any columns or sidebars)
Gallery grid
Gallery masonry
Gallery standart
Shop categories
Single product example
Variable product example
Shopping cart
Shop checkout
Our blog
. All rights reserved.
Login on site
Login on site
Remember Me
Remind the password
Login on site
Blog structure logic
Sidebars + columns
Masonry 2 columns
Masonry 2 columns + right sidebar
Masonry 2 columns + left sidebar
Masonry 2 columns + both sidebar
Masonry 3 columns no sidebars
Masonry 3 columns + left sidebar
Masonry 3 columns + right sidebar
Masonry 3 columns + both sidebar
Masonry 4 columns (any sidebars)
Masonry 5 columns (any sidebars)
Masonry 6 columns (any sidebars)
Blog layout variations
Masonry layout
Classic layout
Posts left image
Posts right image
Smart grid
Fullwith layout
Stunning header styles
Background color
Background image
Background video
Single posts navigation
Top navigation
Fixed navigation
Pagination decoration
1. Pagination style
2. Pagination style
3. Pagination style
4. Pagination style
5. Pagination style
Pagination types
Lazy load
Load more
Blog additional pages
Post with Visual composer 1st var.
Post with Visual composer 2nd var.
Blog category with VC elements
Frame border
Posts configuration types
Full info configuration
Top title configuration
No description configuration
Right align description configuration
Without share and “read more” section
Simple share section
Title under thumb
Appear effects
1. Appear effect
2. Appear effect
3. Appear effect
4. Appear effect
5. Appear effect
6. Appear effect
7. Appear effect
8. Appear effect
9. Appear effect
10. Appear effect
Portfolio structure logic
Sidebars + columns
Portfolio masonry 2 columns
Masonry 2 columns + left sidebar
Masonry 2 columns + right sidebar
Masonry 2 columns + both sidebar
Masonry 3 columns + right sidebar
Masonry 3 columns + left sidebar
Masonry 3 columns + both sidebar
Masonry 4 columns (any sidebar)
Masonry 5 columns (any sidebar)
Masonry 6 columns (any sidebar)
Layout types
Masonry layout (any columns or sidebars)
Grid layout (any columns or sidebars)
Standart layout (any columns or sidebars)
Stunning header styles
Background color
Background image
Background video
Thumbs presentation
Full info example
Only title expample
Only read more example
No decoration
Title in front of image
Title in front with background
Title with line decoration
Title with shadow
Fullwidth no offset
Inner page variants
Custom project 1
Custom project 2
Bottom description
Boxed slider
Fullwidth slider
Medium images gallery
Big images gallery
Small images gallery
Advanced gallery
Video project
Left description
Right description
Enable comments
Disable comments
Portfolio hover variants page
1. Portfolio hover example
2. Portfolio hover example
3. Portfolio hover example
4. Portfolio hover example
5. Portfolio hover example
6. Portfolio hover example
7. Portfolio hover example
8. Portfolio hover example
9. Portfolio hover example
10. Portfolio hover example
11. Portfolio hover example
12. Portfolio hover example
13. Portfolio hover example
14. Portfolio hover example
15. Portfolio hover example
Single post navigation
Top navigation
Fixed navigation
Pagination decoration
1. Pagination style
2. Pagination style
3. Pagination style
4. Pagination style
5. Pagination style
Pagination types
Load more button
Lazy load
Appear effects
1. Appear effect
2. Appear effect
3. Appear effect
4. Appear effect
5. Appear effect
6. Appear effect
7. Appear effect
8. Appear effect
9. Appear effect
10. Appear effect
Gallery structure logic
Sidebars and columns
Gallery masonry 2 columns
Gallery masonry 2 columns + right sidebar
Gallery masonry 2 columns + left sidebar
Gallery masonry 2 columns + both sidebar
Gallery masonry 3 columns
Gallery masonry 3 columns + left sidebar
Gallery masonry 3 columns + right sidebar
Gallery masonry 4 columns (any sidebars)
Gallery masonry 5 columns (any sidebars)
Gallery masonry 6 columns (any sidebars)
Layout types
Gallery grid
Gallery masonry
Gallery standart
Stunning header styles
Background color
Background image
Background video
Thumb presentation
Boxed width sidebars
Fullwidth no offset
Thumbs with likes
Only thumbs
Full info (title, subtitle, likes)
Inner page variants
Masonry (any columns number)
Grid (any columns number)
Advanced gellery
Single posts navigation
Top navigation
Fixed navigation
Gallery hover variant examples
1. Gallery hover example
2. Gallery hover example
3. Gallery hover example
4. Gallery hover example
5. Gallery hover example
6. Gallery hover example
7. Gallery hover example
8. Gallery hover example
9. Gallery hover example
10. Gallery hover example
Pagination decorations
1. Pagination style
2. Pagination style
3. Pagination style
4. Pagination style
5. Pagination style
Navigation types
Lazy load
Ajax navigation
Appear effects
1. Appear effect
2. Appear effect
3. Appear effect
4. Appear effect
5. Appear effect
6. Appear effect
7. Appear effect
8. Appear effect
9. Appear effect
10. Appear effect
Shop categories
Single product example
Variable product example
Shopping cart
Shop checkout
About us
1. About us
2. About us
3. About us
4. About us
5. About us
Contact us
1. Contact us
2. Contact us
3. Contact us
4. Contact us
5. Contact us
6. Contact us
7. Contact us
8. Contact us
Our team
1. Our team
2. Our team
3. Our team
4. Our team
5. Our team
6. Our team
Additional pages
Login page
404 page
Search result found
Search result not found
1st header example
2nd header example
3rd header example
4th header example
5th header example
6th header example
7th header example
8th header example
9th header example
10th header example
11th header example
12th header example
13th header example
14th header example
Text, Icons & Lists
Headings & Delimiters
Text Module
Various Dropcaps
Block Quote Styles
Highlights & Tooltips
Custom Font Family
Various Icons Examples
List Icon Module
Announcement Module
Fancy Text Variants
Buttons Examples
Accordion Module
Tab Content Styles
Tour Examples
Presentation & Infographics
Info Box Module
Various Services
Facts Module Styles
Countdown Module
Pie Charts Variants
Progress Bar Variants
Info Banner Styles
Parallax Image
Scrolling Effect Module
Video Module
Team Member Styles
Testimonials Examples
Pricing Tables
Social, Contacts & Post Type
Contact Block Module
Contact Block Horizontal
Contact Form Styles
Subscribe Module
Google Map Examples
Twitter Feed Variants
Social Accounts Page
Various Share Styles
Magazine Post Formats
Portfolio Modules
Gallery Examples
Row, Containers & One Page
Various Carousel Styles
Side by Side Module
Equal Height Container
Scrolling Content Blocks
Row Dividers Variants
Parallax Background
Canvas Background
Gradient Effects
Video Background
Classic Scrolling Effect
Slide Show Scrolling
3D Scrolling Effect
WooCommerce Elements
Single Product Styles
Products Grid Examples
Product Category Module
Product List Variants
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Web design
Right description
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